The eezy way to earn money!

If you like surfing the internet, you already have a business with us.


Social Media

You just share our information on your social networks and invite everybody you know, to try our software.

Google Ads

If you want to reach more people and earn more money sooner, you can invest in Google Ads campaigns, you decide if you invest 10 pesos, 100 or nothing.


Dedicate it, the time you want, you can manage your free time or make a routine that will bring you more money every time you want.

Do you want to earn more money with a few investment?

Do you want a business where you don't have to be worried about every action you do or do not do? A business where you don't lose what you have already won? A business that does not enslave you? Where do not have to be wasting time or long hours on visits and talks?


What do you think of technology business?

Many people invest in cryptocurrencies, in the stock exchange, buying shares, foreign exchange, metals, goods, products or financing real estate projects or as part of a pool of investors and usually lose money, they have to wait a lot of time or earnings They are very few.

Technology businesses are the most profitable and the ones that generate the fastest profits, you will see the result from the beginning.

What is eezypath all about?

Why do we want to invite you?

Why do we want to invite you?

Why do we want to invite you?

Why do we want good and hardworking people to have a real opportunity, it sounds like fantasy or a joke , isn't it? Well, it is not, this project has taken 5 years to build through a small Mexican company and now it is a reality, we want anyone to have this opportunity, it doesn't matter what do you do for a living, what studies you have or how much money you own, the important thing is your desire to move forward, we want it to win, no matter how.

This business is that simple, we want everyone to be part of this idea and let them win in a transparent way.

Remember, if you win, we all win!

What is needed?

To generate information as an eezypath’s distributor, to reach with this important tool to the public and let them be part of our community. You can do it with publications made by yourself, or we will give you the material to publish it, if you have experience in networks, you can take advantage of it, if you have an agency working for you, you can also take advantage of it, if you are followed by many people, you can also take advantage of it. You just need to communicate and share this relevant and valuable tool. If you don’t have digital or social media knowledge and you don't have an agency that helps you, but you want to try us, just tell us known and we will help you.

What does your client win to be an eezy member?

It has access to e-learning content creation software, easy to use, with functionalities that will give the professional touch necessary for commercialization, saving you from investing in a digital team of experts. In addition, your client will receive a very accessible payment plan in a monthly basis structure, the best cost-benefit in the market.

How to start?

Fill a simple form, we will not ask for any card, collection or something related to money, we only need your email to be able to send your activation as a distributor, we will also provide you with the link where you will enter to check your distributor profile so you can check the results form your advertising with the users that are registered by your web campaigns, also there you can find your link so that you insert in your advertising we will know who the users who arrived for your campaigns are, and to be able to relate it to your results and payments made. 


How much I earn?

You earn according to the number of active users in any commercial plan, the amounts are according to this tab and are gross percentages of what is paid for each user plan already paid

What do we need from you?

We recommend that you generate a demo account and try the software, so you can see the excellent tool you are going to promote, you can start the demo test from the site you do not need to pay anything and if you do so, then you can cancel that account.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we Will be glad to clarify them. nos dará gusto platicar contigo.

When you are ready, activate your distributor account filling the next data:

    Invoice: We need fiscal voucher to be able to pay the commission. It must be an invoice concept related to the commission, or for professional marketing or for advertising services.

    We will ask you for a bank account in order to deposit the corresponding payment, this account must coincide with who issues the invoice you will give us.
